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What can I tell you about myself that might help you make an informed choice with regards to forming an opinion about me and my work other than the fact that I am someone who has grown up with every issue of National Geographic and a fan of Waller’s Bridges of Madison County. Looking out at the world seeing perfection and beauty in most everything, which is what that has led me to bring together this collection of pictures that have been made (not shot, remember from the Bridges!) over an extended period of time. I have no idea what gave me the courage or even think that my pictures carry any merit or any artistic value but then I guess everyone at some point or the other has taken the liberty of nursing some misconception about himself and his work. So I have done the same here and now it is up to you all to prove whether it was a misconception or not, as you have done with every name that holds any sort of distinction of being called an artist.

As mentioned earlier, most pictures here are my attempt to show the perfection in imperfection. To emphasize the time old adage – beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. To show the difference between seeing, perceiving and beholding. I may be quite over my head to assume any artistic value in my work but I am certain that you all will set that record straight and show me my true place in the beautiful realm of photography and picture-making.